How I met this guy, name Evans Ng.
I still remember, me, my sister & Bex and few other friends who turn out to be backstabbers were hanging out, then Bex brought us all to meet Evans. & before I met him, I've heard stories about him like how he's a loving father who takes care of his son together with his family after his ex-bitch wife ran away. And I've also heard another kind of stories, where he is a playboy-abuser-gangster etc etc. Then when I first met him, my first question was... "You are Evans? Why you no look like paikia(gangster)?" . HAHAHA his reaction was funny lol. Maybe cause the first time I met him, he was wearing his glasses which made him look like a nerd lololll. But I did expect him from his stories to be tall, buff, muscular. But in real life, he's literally like a big ball of cuteness ♥
Then we started hanging out more often. We start to share our sappy stories together. And ask for each other advices. Then one day, I guess he put all courage together and ask me out for a movie date. & , I said yes. Mainly cause we know each other for quite sometime, and I'm quite sure he won't kidnap me and rape me. HAHA that's what I answered him when he said asking me out was easy lol. Then during our first movie together, I scream at those shocking parts (I usually over-react during movies) and he put his arm around my shoulder and pat my head. "sayang" awww it felt like a father-daughter relationship at some point :P ♥
Then we started going out every single day. We started to talk and bond a lot. And we even sing together! :') By then, it was a totally different Evans from the first day I met him. Cause the Evans I first met was flirty and always reeks of alcohol. By then, he was a new Evans. The more loving type of Evans. & caring. & we were comfortable with each other. ♥
During lantern festival last year, we weren't allow near each other. It's as if, we were forbidden to be together. But I'm glad, we stayed strong & eventually we came out stronger and now we're no longer forbidded HEHE anyways, the week before he asked whether he could play the lanterns with me & I said yes! but things went sour and rotten ): we didn't fight. it was more to uhm, a very sad moment for us. I knew that moment, I miss talking to him. & I felt like crying. & I was weak. & confuse. I tried my best to stay strong )': that stupid boyy. He even tried his best to get a pink octopus for me from the claw machine. Spent few tens. only to find out we can buy the octopus for a cheaper price instead. HAHA ♥
3 days before we got together, he kept asking for me. but I kept to myself. I didn't want another relationship. At the same time, I wanted to keep him. Confuse was I ~ Friends advice me about him, makes the confusion even more. And at times, it turns into fear. How am I not confuse? His words sounded true and sincere. We were usually sad and emo at night in those 3 days but the next day, we act like nothing has happen. He made me feel so. Loved. ♥
On 1st of October, I decided that, maybe I should just give him a chance. & today, we've entered our 6 months 9 days together. Half a year! & we're still loving each other like no other. Usually most of my relationship well turn sour by now, but with him it's different :* He can still make my tummy full with butterflies. I love him. ♥

Main reason I wrote this post was to clarify my position and his position in both our lives. I've been hearing rumours bout me dating a married man and yknow it ain't true :/ his ex-wife has left him and his son. and they both found me on the way. now we're all happy together yayy. ♥


Evans. Xavier. Me.
People has often ask me how do I feel that my boyfriend has a son. Honestly I don't feel the need to feel anything? Now, I am attach to his son that I tend to call him my own son ;') && I love them both so muchhh. If they're happy, I am happy ♥
Main reason I wrote this post was to clarify my position and his position in both our lives. I've been hearing rumours bout me dating a married man and yknow it ain't true :/ his ex-wife has left him and his son. and they both found me on the way. now we're all happy together yayy. ♥
Evans. Xavier. Me.
People has often ask me how do I feel that my boyfriend has a son. Honestly I don't feel the need to feel anything? Now, I am attach to his son that I tend to call him my own son ;') && I love them both so muchhh. If they're happy, I am happy ♥
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